
Monday, July 29, 2013

Featured Artist: Sea Siren Rockstar

Hi Tanya! Thanks for joining us today. Tell us a little bit about yourself!
My name is Tanya Ryan and I'm the owner of Sea Siren Rockstar. I live in Buffalo, NY, along the lovely shores of Lake Erie with my 2 girls, my husband and my Pit bull!  

How did you get started in your handmade business?
I decided to make my venture official in early 2012 with the support of my family and haven't looked back since. When my gram passed in late 2011, I thought what better way to keep her memory close than to honor her by putting forth my creative energy and use my hands to build something successful from the ground up. As a pivotal role in my life, I owe my hard work ethic to her! Aside from my full time day job as an office manager, I live and breath Sea Siren Rockstar and continue to strive for excellence! 

What are your hopes and aspirations for your store and where do you see yourself going from here?
Who doesn't want to be a rock star?! With that said, true success takes time. My long term goals and aspirations include growing my brand and expanding my skills. This year is about continued growth, getting my name out there and becoming less of a hermit when it comes to social media (I'm more of a "behind the scenes" person!) 

Have you experienced any major accomplishments or recognition?
A pretty cool accomplishment earlier this year happened somewhat randomly. Through word of mouth referrals and lot's of positive feedback, I was commissioned to create an entire Spring jewelry "wardrobe" for a very fashionable lady in the southern states. Accepting the challenge took time and effort, but paid off in more ways than one! Out of so many wonderful artists and shops out there, she chose me and it was an awesome feeling. Score! 

What are three tools in your workspace that you could not live without?
Without my hands, this would not exist. Of course my collection of stones, hammers, pliers, torches and saws help too!

How much do you social network? Can you link us to your personal social media pages so we can follow you?
I am connected to the inter-webs seemingly 24/7 in one way or another. Facebook is my main method of communication, followed by Twitter and most recently, Instagram.
Instagram: or @seasirenrockstar 

How important is marketing for your small business and what has been most effective for you?
Marketing is the way of the beast! Social media is #1, word of mouth close behind - any way to get your name out there. If we were all lucky enough to have celebrity endorsements, it'd be just that easy, unfortunately as a small business, I am the PR person. I try to get my brand out there the best I can. I like to invest in really nice, eye-catching business cards and keep some with me at all times as well as a small flyer of my latest sale. When I know I'm going to be around a large group of people, I wear one of my pieces and when someone asks about it, I give them my card. I've gotten over a lot of my shyness and a shameless plug never hurt anyone! 

What item in your shop is your top seller or is your favorite design?
I forge a bit of a connection with every piece I create. Holding the stones and shells, I feel connected to the Earth. Working with the metals, using my hands gives me great purpose. Every piece I make is different so it's hard to have a best seller, however my gemstone rock candy necklaces are pretty popular, as well as recently, my wood and gemstone stretchy bracelets. 

What are your 2 favorite items from other shops on The CraftStar, with links? What do you like about them?
Two of my favorite shops on TheCraftstar are Dzign by Jamie, for her "I love you to the moon and back" necklace and Pegasus Soaps, simply because I am a bath and body junkie and all of the scents sound wonderful!  

Thanks for taking the time to join us today Tanya. We appreciate you taking time out of our busy schedule so that we could interview you. Happy sales! 

1 comment:

  1. she sounds like an awesome person. and her jewelry is very pretty.
