
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The CraftStar Media Campaign and YOU!

As a small business, there’s not much that makes me more excited than seeing our name in print.  It builds awareness, it builds customers, and it builds sales! 
As I mentioned in my last email, one of the best decisions I’ve made for The CraftStar is hiring a PR company - they’re doing a great job in getting us out there.  In fact, I just finished doing a live radio interview for a show based on small businesses.  Every little, or big, piece of publicity is creating the building blocks in making The CraftStar the premiere e:commerce shopping destination for quality and creative handmade items, unique and special vintage finds, and a great assortment of crafting supplies.
Sometimes I feel like we’re the little engine that could!  Remember that story as a kid?  We may be small compared to our competitor, but boy, are we giving it our all.  And by “we” I mean all of us!  The CraftStar was built around a community and as a community we’re getting stronger by the day.
Speaking of getting stronger ….  Alyson (the incredible PR maven) has been talking to various publications and media outlets about The CraftStar in general … and has given me a list of genres she would like to target for some holiday specials.
She has asked me to put together 10 baskets, representing great quality CraftStar items for the following categories:  Holiday Gifts, Kids, Bath and Body, Eco-Friendly, and Pets.  So that’s 50 baskets all together.
It will be totally up to you whether you want to participate in this opportunity or not.  (Unlike the gift baskets business we’re working with, we will not be purchasing these products to send out).  While I know money is tight for a lot of us, the target list that Alyson has put together is pretty amazing!  As we would love you to participate, I’ve asked Alyson to explain what she’s doing … with the aim of showing you what a great opportunity this is!
From Alyson:
We’ve sourced top magazines, blogs, or TV outlets that we think have the most probable chance of reporting about The CraftStar in the Eco, kids, gifts, bath and body, and pet categories; they are as follows. We’d like to send a variety of product samples of some of the The Craftstar shop products that we think the reporters might use in their gift guides and new products sections/segments.  There is no guarantee they’ll use them for reportage, but without seeing the products, it’s impossible for them to really get the feel for them. So if they can touch, taste and feel the product we have a greater chance of them using it. They may use them for their gift guides leading up to the holidays, or keep the product to use at another time of the year, if it appeals to them. We’ll follow-up with them afterward to give you a report on how they reacted and if they can use them for editorial.
Media outlets:

Gifts & Decorative Accessories
Good Housekeeping
Better Homes & Gardens
Family Circle
Good Morning America
Today Show

LA Parent
Family Fun
Parent & Child
TIME for Kids
Working Mother
Good Morning America
Today Show

Bath and Body:
Lucky magazine
Marie Claire
Daily Candy
Woman’s World
First for Women
All You

Eco Friendly:
Real Simple
Natural Health
Organic Spa magazine

Just Labs
Gun Dog
Cesar’s Way
Best Friends
Fido Friendly
Modern Dog
Cat Fancy
Good Morning America
Today Show
David Letterman Show
I hope you’ll agree that’s quite an impressive list of potential publicity!  And let’s also keep in mind, that your CraftStar business cards will be included in each basket … so there are more opportunities for sales! 
If you are interested in participating in this round of promotion, please email me with your shop name, what category you’d like to be in, and what you would send.  I’ll put together a spreadsheet to make sure we have a great balance and great examples for each category. Note: if you'd like to be included in say, the pet category, but feel 10 items is too many for you to send out, just let me know how many you would be able to.

We need to get moving on this ASAP … as I’ll need to gather all the items, have them put together in beautifully presentable baskets and give to Alyson to send to each outlet.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Bethan and The CraftStar Team


  1. Ossum possum (as my sweet assistant used to say...)!

    Can't wait to see the products we have to send to these editors.


  2. sounds like a great opportunity...

