
Monday, September 2, 2013

Featured Artist: Julie Ellyn Designs

Hi Julie! Thanks for joining us today. Tell us a little bit about yourself!
My name is Julie Ter Borg. I am located in Maryland and own Julie Ellyn Designs. I am married with two little girls and wonderful rescue lab named Sam.

How did you get started in your handmade business?
I started designing jewelry as a hobby and stress release from my hectic job as a research scientist and consultant. I really enjoyed the creative process and gifting handmade items to my friends and family. When my bead stash started to become overwhelming, my husband encouraged me to start selling my designs. Never did I dream that I would have the level of success that I have reached so far. Such a joy!

What are your hopes and aspirations for your store and where do you see yourself going from here?
My dream is to make jewelry making my full time job!! Design and crafting items that people love to that would be a dream come true!

Have you experienced any major accomplishments or recognition?
My biggest success came when the wardrobe designer of The Vampire Diaries selected my Elena Goddess bracelet to be worn on the show (I currently have three other amazing stylist movie/tv opportunities in the works!!! stay tuned!).

What are three tools in your workspace that you could not live without?
That depends on which line I am working new leather cuffs require a razor sharp blade, strap cutter, and stamping tools.

Have you ever experienced a craft disaster? What happened? 
Craft disaster is my middle name! I love to craft with my little girls so we are always experimenting with glue, glitter, beads, and wire.  My worst disaster was making sparkle shirts with them and ironing directly on my coffee table trying to appease the little ones need for fast completion.  That table is now a part of the play room furniture.

How much do you social network? Can you link us to your personal social media pages so we can follow you?
I have found the social networking is key for marketing. I have a blog, Facebook page, a newsletter, twitter (@JEDdesigns), pinterest, and tumblr.

How important is marketing for your small business and what has been most effective for you?
I have learned that I can reach specific target audiences with each so I try to use them wisely and not overwhelm my followers.

What item in your shop is your top seller or is your favorite design?
My top seller is the Elena Goddess bracelet of The Vampire Diaries fame.  The next best seller is the versatile Cameron Sterling Silver earrings, big enough to be noticed but subtle enough to be worn everyday.

What item in your shop is your top seller or is your favorite design?
I am a HUGE fan of Whimsy Bags and cannot get enough of them!  I use Lesley's totes to haul my packages to the Post Office, have a personalized logo tote when I take my jewelry to sell at boutiques, and then my daughters have the cutest bags with their favorite characters featured. I have my eye on this tote for my next purchase as I raised chickens growing up on my family farm.

I also love to handmade bath and beauty products, especially face masks from Pegasus Soaps

Thanks for taking the time to join us today Julie. We appreciate you taking time out of our busy schedule so that we could interview you. Happy sales! 


  1. Love the necklace :)

    Please could we have a link to your Pinterest boards. I'm a Pinterest addict and use it to promote my own CraftStar items.

    Thanks and congrats on the great article :)

  2. beautiful feature! and well deserved!!!! xxoxoxo
