
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Using Facebook Hashtags For Your Fan Pages

Last week I was wandering around the internet and I noticed that people are suddenly using hashtags on their Facebook posts. I immediately googled to find out what was going on and discovered that now Facebook is allowing hashtags so that people can find things they have in common easier.

This is great for our Facebook business pages and we've started doing this on The CraftStar's own business page so that your items are more readily found!

Head on over to your personal Facebook page and try it out for yourself. In my example I searched the hashtag #handmade. This is what it looks like.

You can see how The CraftStar does it on our Facebook page by check out this example.

Using hashtags like #handmade #diy #crafting etc will direct people that are searching for that specific tile to this particular post. If you sell for instance, beaded wrap bracelets, use hashtags like #wrapbracelet #beadedbracelet #handmade at the end of your update. 

Want to know what's equally cool? You can connect your Facebook fan pages to automatically post to your Twitter pages or Instagram pages. Here at The CraftStar anything that is posted on our Facebook page automatically posts to our Twitter account. Therefore, that Facebook post we posted above was also sent out to our nearly 30 thousand followers using those hashtags too so we can be found that way too! 

Final Thoughts

My advice, only use up to three hashtags per post. Anything more then that is considered spam and most likely you will lose followers. Keep your Facebook posts short and sweet. Don't write a novel! Think of your Facebook posts like a Twitter post and keep them under 140 characters unless you have something super important to say. Those 140 characters include your hashtags so think before you type and plan it out. 

When you use your hashtags make sure they relate to your business. Make sure you always use the # symbol before the first letter of your keyword. You must type it like #handmade not # handmade. It won't work if you use the second option. Do you research! 

The use of hashtags on Facebook is practically brand new so don't expect a flood of traffic when you start using it but do start using this practice. I promise in the long run it will work. As always, be using hashtags on the other social media pages you use for promoting. Hashtags are crucial on Instagram and Twitter. If you have the three connected you'll be golden.

Kim Keane, is the Content and Community Manager for You will find her actively updating the blog as well as scouring the internet for fun ways to grow the community. Along with her duties to The CraftStar she is the owner of Queen of De Tile and mother to beautiful 11 year old twin boys Dylan and Connor.


  1. Awesome info Kim! Never really understood the whole hash tag thing till now. Thanks!
