
Monday, October 7, 2013

The CraftStar Featured Artist: Indica

Hi Robine! Thanks for joining us today. Tell us a little bit about yourself!
My name is Robine and I own Indica. I live in The Netherlands and I have 3 cats, named Nouka, Moreno & Morales.

How did you get started in your handmade business?
I have always loved crafting and tried out different things. Polymer clay, felting, sewing.. but making jewelry really stole my heart!

What are your hopes and aspirations for your store and where do you see yourself going from here?
As my business is growing, in five years time I would love to be able to make a living out of it. My goals are too sell handmade jewelry & I also love doing custom work.

Have you experienced any major accomplishments or recognition?
We have been featured as an upcoming artist on The CraftStar blog as well as being featured in a newsletter from another site.

What are three tools in your workspace that you could not live without?
Bubble envelopes, pliers and turquoise!

Have you ever experienced a craft disaster? What happened?
Yes, definitly. And it got featured on the CraftFail website as well. I saw an image of a gorgeous peacock cupcake and tried to recreate it. I failed miserably.

How much do you social network? Can you link us to your personal social media pages so we can follow you?
Yes, I am active on Facebook, Twitter and Weheartit (I love WeHeartIt!), so you can follow me there!

How important is marketing for your small business and what has been most effective for you?
Very important, I spend two days a week on marketing alone (offline and online). Putting my flyers in stores, talking to girls on the street, join in on goodiebags, advertise online.. The most effective marketing strategy for me is definitly Facebook Ads and reviews by bloggers.

What item in your shop is your top seller or is your favorite design?
My top selling item is the hand chain bracelet Fayruz, which coincidentally is also my favorite item.

What are your 2 favorite items from other shops on The CraftStar, with links? What do you like about them?
I love this glass jar from Insert Creative Pun and the handmade quality of it. You will never find such a gorgeous piece in a retailstore. Ever since I can remember, I am in love with the ocean and this item is definitly on my wish list.

I really like this zebra from Retro Sideshow and wouldn't mind displaying it proudly in my home. Vintage items have such beautiful stories to them.

Thanks for taking the time to join us today Robine. We appreciate you taking time out of our busy schedule so that we could interview you. Happy sales!

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