
Monday, October 14, 2013

Featured Artist - Sparklingtwi and Chella Bella Boutique

Hi Robine! Thanks for joining us today. Tell us a little bit about yourself!
My name is Michelle. I was born and raised in Ontario Canada. I’m from the city of Toronto. I’m 32 years old. When not in my studio, I love spending time with my hubby and our rescued kitty Buckets. My hubby is my high school sweetheart.

I have 2 shops on The CraftStar. One is my jewelry shop Sparklingtwi and my other shop is ChellaBellaBoutique where I sell pendants and stationary items. My main shop is my jewelry shop though!

How did you get started in your handmade business?
I went to school for dental hygiene and realized that I prefer life as an Indie artist. My love of crafting began when I took my first crayon to the wall. I’ve been hooked ever since!

Have you experienced any major accomplishments or recognition? 
I have attended many art shows and have been interviewed. Other than that no real major recognition. But in due time I am hoping to achieve this. I would love to have Sparklingtwi recognized and loved. Having others wearing something that I created would be a dream come true.

Have you ever experienced a craft disaster? What happened? 
I was once designing a bracelet and had a friend over admiring my newly half created piece. She picked up the bracelet at one end and before I could stop her, the beads all came unstrung and scattered all over the floor, lost some beads and of course the whole design as well. I got over it quite quickly and just picked up the beads and decided to work on a new design. After all accidents happen and you learn from them because after that I never leave my unfinished pieces in my studio when I have company over!

Where can we find you? Are you on social media?
I am all about social networking and you can find me on facebook, twitter, pinterest, blogspot

What are your 3 favorite items from other shops on The CraftStar, with links? 

I really like these lampwork glass beads from Polychrome Beads, these rustic hearts from Ti Amo, and these awesome owl coasters from Paizley Polka Dot.

Thanks for taking the time to join us today Michelle. We appreciate you taking time out of our busy schedule so that we could interview you. Happy sales!

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