
Friday, December 27, 2013

A New Age For E:Commerce

So what is this new age of e:commerce marketing?  Very simple: social media and
In the ever growing and competitive e:commerce market, creating differentiation to
stand out is a must.  As the newbies on the block, The CraftStar is a "different" sort
of e:commerce venue: in the way we use "moving pictures" / videos, 
LIVE broadcasts, social media, and our one-on-one attention to our members.  
As part of The CraftStar, two very basic things are going to make YOU stand out:  
proper use of social media and “moving images” / video marketing - both of which 
we're very focussed on.

The CraftStar has been using moving images in a variety of ways since we 
launched … in fact we built the site on a broadcasting platform.  Since we began 
LIVE SALES 3 months ago, traffic and sales have gone up 38% on site.

From a strategy and tech point of view:

“Videos are an excellent way to share information with potential customers. 
In addition to sharing information, videos also help with search engine optimization,
building trust with your customers, and helping others visualize an item before they
order it.”

The new means of marketing:

Video marketing is a method by which images and audio are used to communicate
your brand message to your target audience. It's become an important component
of marketing because video resonates with people in way that words on a page or
computer screen simply can't. Check out these stats:
  • 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are 
  • processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. (Sources: 3M Corporation and Zabisco
  • 40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text. (Source: Zabisco)

Knowing that companies like Zappos have built studios across the country so that 
almost everything on their site has a moving image attached ... we know we’re on 
the right path!!!  And you’ll be seeing A LOT more videos, both LIVE and 
pre-recorded coming up on The CraftStar.  It’s yet another thing that stands us out
from our competitors.

Social media, in its many forms, is a necessity as a small business owner, working
in ecommerce.  With the myriad of options out there, it’s understandably hard to 
know where to begin, which areas should be focused on, how best to use each 
platform and how much time to spend doing it.  This is another bonus of being part
of The CraftStar community.  We REALLY want to help you succeed!!!

That’s why we’re kicking off the New Year with a 6 week SOCIAL MEDIA 
BOOTCAMP for members of The CraftStar.

From the first week, we’re going to break down the psychology of social media and
why it’s so crucial for small businesses … and then focus on the most important 
players for our area of creative ecommerce.  We have special guests who are pros
in each field, joining us for each show.  These will be held on Tuesdays at 5pm PST
 / 8pm EST.  On Thursdays, we’re going to have more personalized hangouts with 
Brandon who works with our social media strategy team.  We’re calling these 
sessions “BootCamp Back Ups with Brandon” as he will break down any questions 
from the week.  You will be able to join in and ask the questions you need 

This 6 weeks is going to lay down the foundation for you to build your business on 
The CraftStar and your brand in 2014 … you will have a personalized “road map” 
of what you should be doing, when, and where.  It’s going to give you a HUGE 
advantage in standing out in the ecommerce world.

As the newbies on the block, and having survived our first year (75% - 90% 
e:commerce start ups don’t {depends who you ask!}), we’re sure 2014 is ours!  
All the signs are pointing to it, and we’d love to you join us in making that come 
true.  While admittedly, we don’t have the traffic that the bigger site has, but 
that’s down to YOU driving the traffic.   As we’ve said many times before, “listing 
and running” doesn’t work.  If you build a shop on The CraftStar, then let’s get 
promoting it!  If all of us, as a community, promote this site …. the traffic will 
follow.  It’s all down to where YOU send your customers / audience to buy your 
items.  (personal and in general)

We’re not suggesting closing shops on other sites, what we ARE suggesting is 
using the social media tactics you’ll learn in the BootCamp to drive traffic to your 
shops on The CraftStar … let the other traffic come naturally.

Again, as the newbies, we do a lot of awareness advertising – I’m sure you’ve 
seen us in your internet travels.  We want to include YOU in this.  If you’re on 
board with the BootCamp, and we see you promoting your CraftStar shop … we 
will include it in our advertising campaign.  How’s that for showing belief and 

If you’re not a CraftStar member, we’d like to invite you to join and learn from 
this BootCamp.  If you join before the first one, January 7th, we’re going to give 
you your third month FREE!  That’s how much we believe in this … you’ll get so 
much out of the BootCamp, you’ll be hooked!  Why the THIRD month free?   If 
you find it doesn’t help you, (and you will begin to see the results within the first 
couple of months,) we’ll refund your third month fee.

To join the THIRD MONTH FREE OFFER, please use this link:

We don’t want you to be a NUMBER, we want you to be a MEMBER.   The CraftStar
members, who engage in the unique things we do on site, who watch the LIVE 
shows and take note of researched tips and tricks, who read our blogs, etc … 
see the results in sales.  It's VERY clear!

And here’s another thing we do for our members … if you’re having a tough time 
setting up your social media, and right now we’re really focused on Google + … 
we’ll help you!  If you’re having problems getting your images right, we’ll help you!
We’ve done countless one-on-one consultations to help our members build their 
online presence. 

Here's to you and 2014!  May it be one of happiness and abundance!

Bethan and The CraftStar Team

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