
Monday, March 23, 2015

Open House on The CraftStar

My email account is blowing up with people sending various articles about Etsy and their impending IPO.  This one seems to be the most talked about, and of course April never lets us down!

So, … the time has come.  It’s really come.  Not “Malibu” incident come, or "Chad’s favorite factory made item” come … it’s really come and it’s really time to move on.

If you want a change, stand up and make that change! 

A very successful site that’s proud of its creative small businesses has been built once, it now needs to be built again.  Yes, it’s not fair if you were one of the original builders (I was also one of them), but that home (Etsy) has huffed and puffed and blown itself down.  So, dust yourself off, and let’s all get building.

To create an environment that is as successful for you now as Etsy once was, is going to take work - work from the sellers as well as the venue.  Any E:Commerce site is only as strong as its sellers and marketing.  There is no point in slamming Zibbet or The CraftStar, or any other site, for lack of traffic, when you’re still sending yours to Etsy!  You can’t be frustrated, disillusioned, and supportive all at the same time.  It just doesn’t work.  

If you’re “done” with Etsy, then find somewhere new to call home for your business and support it wholeheartedly.  Talk about it, get involved with it, promote it.  And whatever you do … please DON’T send out your Etsy business cards with orders from your new home.  Bangs.  Head.  Against.  Brick.  Wall.  :)

We, The CraftStar, may be the new kids on the E:Commerce block, but boy are we passionate.  We were created by crafters, run by crafters, and we make a lot of noise for a new company.  What we don’t have in thousands of resellers driving traffic, we make up for as much as possible with innovative and unique ways of doing business for creative small business E:Commerce sellers.

We have a promotion team that is solely dedicated to getting YOUR items out there.  We have a very supportive community and we close down resellers as soon as they open.  The management team answers your questions, in fact, we’re LIVE on camera once or twice a week where you have the opportunity to ask us anything you want.  We’re proud of what we’ve built so far, and we’re going to keep hammering those nails in.  (If you want to see our next live show, it’s scheduled for Tuesday: )

We take immense PRIDE in The CraftStar and our sellers, and we’d love you to join.  We are here because we are creatives and we are passionate about helping creative small businesses grow.  If it was just all about the money for us, we’d have closed up shop long ago.  Believe me, building and running a site like this takes A LOT of work.  A lot of joy comes with it, but so do a lot of tears.  But, that just shows we’re human and not factory made.    

We’re going to offer an “open house” so you can check out The CraftStar for yourself.  Use this link to get your first month free.

Join up, jump in, and let’s make this the best site out there!  But remember … it’s going to take work.  I’m not going to pretend you’re going to get 100 sales in the first month.  But you’ll have a much better chance of that if you’re focusing on your new home and not looking over your shoulder wistfully hoping that Etsy is going to change its ways.  And of course, you won’t be competing for sales with resellers.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of The CraftStar team.  You can reach me at

Wishing you all the best and a very successful future wherever you decide to build your new home.


Bethan Davies

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