
Friday, April 17, 2015

TCS Artist Feature - Tiffany Willardo of Designs By Tiffany

It's time for another artist feature so let's check out Tiffany and her shop

Designs By Tiffany
Everything Summer

What is the story behind your shop name? My store name is Designs by Tiffany because simply that's what I do! I love to design things.
Where, when, how did you learn your craft?I started out by searching the internet for a gingerbread themed wreath for my own door and what I cane across was very expensive items! I thought to myself I can make something cuter for cheaper than that! That's when I designed my first wreath. I enjoyed it so much I decided to make a few more and sell them. They sold FAST! Then I thought wow I can make a little business out of this!!!

Patriotic Wreath

Tell us a little about your family life...married, kids, pets, etc.
I am from Indiana, a single mom, and this has been great extra income! I opened up a few online shops including my shop on The CraftStar and went from there. I have made custom floral arrangements custom wreaths for all occasions and custom cupcake magnet orders for baby shower party gifts and wedding shower gifts! I love branching out and trying new things and I'm very excited about my business. I want to continue growing and learning.  It takes a lot of time, money and dedication but it's me doing something I love so I'm determined. I found a way to express myself creatively and this makes me a happier person.

Stop by Tiffany's shop, and see for yourself the great items she has to offer to make your home beautiful


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