
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

TCS Artist Feature - Anna Herman from Hermans Eco Fashion

Today we are meeting Anna Herman...

What is the story behind your shop name? Hermans Eco Fashion
My last name is Herman and I’m an environmentalist

Print Cotton Long Panel Skirt
Where, when, how did you learn your craft?
My Grandmother taught me to sew. I have a degree in Fine arts. I have traveled a lot
and it shows in my designs

What has been your biggest obstacle, or challenge, to finding and 
achieving success?
People that told me I couldn't do it. The ole your not big enough, your not good enough. In the early years I got made fun of  a lot by Big production companies who make their goods in sweatshops  . How dare I compete and produce in The United States.

Tell us a little about your family life...married, kids, pets, etc.
I am married for a long time . I don’t have children. I like to cook, garden , sew and go to Art Galleries. I have  2 dogs and 2 cats.
Indian Feed Sack Shirt

Tell us a little bit about where you, farm, suburb.
I live in a Small town in Montana. The top floor of the house is my studio . it is a charmed life

Share a story / memory of your childhood.
When I was a child, people thought I wasn’t very smart. I’m dyslexic . The very thing that made in so unpopular is what made me such a great designer.I see things that others don’t. I didn't realize what’s easy for me is not easy for everyone till I was about 30.

Tell us something about you that no-one else might know
I have a great deal of courage. It hasn't been easy making it this far. I still get excited every time I sell something one of my originals .

Silver White Steampunk Tails
If you could be a fictional character, who would you be, and why?
Cinderella  , She over comes great hardships to end up very Happy.

Share your social media links and where we can find you on the 

Pick a favorite item from your shop, and why is it your favorite. 
the Indian Feed sack shirt. I love making new things out of way cool old things.

What advise would you give a new artist just starting out? Make something then try to sell it, either on the street or online. If it doesn't sell make something else . Do it again and again till it works.

Now stop on over to Herman's Eco Fashion at The CraftStar.

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