
Friday, May 8, 2015

Let's Create A Story....

I know that I promised on The CraftStar's Tuesday's show to write a tutorial for Pinterest business...but I am having difficulty getting it to verify my shop until I get it sorted about a story?

Here are the rules....I will start with an item from The CraftStar, and write a few sentences of a story using that item picture.  Then you all will join the story in the comments....
The fun is seeing where we end up....
(make sure you include the link to an item that fits with your part of the story, and I'll add it to this post).

"Who needs a fairy godmother?"
The Royal Pumpkin

Who needs a fairy godmother, I thought, as I hiked through the woods behind my house.
Fairies are for dummies.
Those with no strength to take card of things on their own...or so I thought.
This is the story of how getting lost helped me to find my own inner fairy godmother.

The day started out as any other day, I pulled on my boots and headed into the woods.  I needed time away from everything to find some peace and quiet.  I had only walked a few miles when I heard something.  Singing.  On my left.  But to follow the music I would have to leave the trail.  So I did....and after a while....I was lost.

When I thought that I would never find my way back, I came upon a clearing and found....

now this is where you come in.....someone pick up the story line and run with it in the comments...
let's have some fun!

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