
Sunday, June 28, 2015

The CraftStar To Close Vintage / Focus on Handmade

As part of Project TCS, The CraftStar is closing the Vintage category.

Vintage never really found its place with us, and as Project TCS is aimed at making HANDMADE super stars, it makes sense to leave that genre to those sites who are successful with it.  This is step one of the many exciting changes we have coming up on The CraftStar!

The following was sent to VINTAGE sellers today:

As The CraftStar grows, we’ve been doing research into what people like best about the site, so we can continue to move in the right direction.

All small businesses need to be malleable to succeed, and we’re certainly no different.  Our aim is to be as successful as possible for our sellers.

Based on the above, we have decided to focus on HANDMADE.  We will be the only site that will be doing what we’ll be offering, and most importantly, we will be the only site where our handmade artists will not be competing with resellers.  We are and will remain, a reseller-free zone. 

We’ve recently hired a new Marketing Director which is very exciting!  We’re working on putting together the next phase of The CraftStar with all it will have to support our sellers.  We have some very exciting plans moving forward.  

We will be closing VINTAGE down in around 2 weeks (exact date to be announced).  Vintage didn’t find its place with us, so it makes sense to leave that genre to sites that are successful with it.  We will be keeping CRAFTING SUPPLIES as this is an integral part of the handmade process.  Details on other changes and additions to the site will be announced over the next few weeks.

Thank you for your support and please contact us if you have any questions.

~ The CraftStar Team

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