
Friday, November 20, 2015

Who Supporting Small Business REALLY Helps

Around this time of year, there’s a lot of “shop small business” doing the rounds, but have you ever thought about what this really means?

Let’s take a look at it from our perspective, e:commerce.  We are ( a small business ourselves, and we are home to many other small businesses.  

The SMALL BUSINESS artisans creating the items for sale on The CraftStar are truly amazing people.  It takes a lot of courage to design something, make it, and then decide to sell it.  It’s a dog eat dog world out there and these creative small businesses aren’t just competing with other sellers on The CraftStar, they’re competing with every business site online!  Think about it - places like Urban Outfitters, Target, Macy’s … they’re all vying for those holiday dollars!!!  

These SMALL BUSINESSES focus on handmade items and crafting supplies … anything from a gorgeous unique pair of earrings, to hand fired chili bowl sets, to holiday decor - there’s not much you won’t find on The CraftStar.  We pride ourselves as being the only site of our kind who does not allow resellers - those who buy wholesale from overseas and then brand them with a 1000% mark-up as “handmade.”  We’ve had this policy from the beginning and we have never wavered from it … we want a fair playing field for all hand makers and quality items for our customers.

The majority of creative SMALL BUSINESS e:commerce sellers fall into one of these groups: those who lost their job through the economy and are using their hobbies as income streams, those who are unable to work a 9-5 job due to an illness, and again, have turned to their hobby as an income stream, and those that are retired who are trying to supplement their 401k’s.  The CraftStar is giving these fabulously creative people a new area to work in, and our sellers work really hard to ensure you get the best product possible.

So please, when you’re searching for that perfect something for someone, or a OOAK (one of a kind) piece that nobody else will have, please keep in mind SUPPORT SMALL BUSINESS and stop by  Show our creative SMALL BUSINESS sellers support by making some purchases.  You may literally have put food on someone’s plate and you will most definitely have given someone the confidence to take the next step in their work - and that is a very special gift to give someone. 

Actually a special gift for two people; the one you’re gifting to, and the one you purchased from!

We can’t thank you enough for your support!  Here’s to a great holiday season and a fabulous new year!

The CraftStar Team

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