
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Good Morning America and The CraftStar

As you know, we like to engage in unique ways on The CraftStar.  Our recent launch of LIVE SALES is an example of this ... and the reaction we've had from the two we've done so far, has been truly overwhelming.  The CraftStar spotted a gap in the market, we went for it, and we are building a whole new audience.  As a TV / Radio producer, this is so exciting for me ... and the possibilities are endless.  We're already talking about adding extra days (due to demand from sellers who want to participate!) and looking at breaking them down into different genres.  So, for instance, Monday nights might be VINTAGE, Thursdays might be LIVE AUCTIONS, etc.  Stay tuned for more news on expanding.

I wanted to update you on that important step forward for The CraftStar before I delivered the following message from our PR company.  Hiring a PR company was one of the best moves I've made, and they are working hard on getting The CraftStar "out there" and even more exciting ... they're getting a GREAT response from BIG players.

Here's what I was presented with yesterday.  It's big, it's huge, it's massive.  This won't be applicable for everyone as you will see the numbers involved are challenging for any small business.  BUT ... some of you would be able to do this.  We would have a couple weeks notice before air date, and with delivery expected 10 days after orders ... you would basically have 3 weeks to stock your inventory on a single item.  And .... what I absolutely and totally LOVE about this:  GOOD MORNING AMERICA came to us - The CraftStar with this idea!  See what I mean about the PR team getting us out there???!!

I asked Alyson (PR) to send me the requirements GMA sent to her.  Here they are:
The producers at Good Morning America’s “Steals & Deals” are interested in showcasing The CraftStar products in their weekly segments.  The weekly segment features products they sell on air for a limited period of time. It could be best described as a flash sale on network TV. They organize the segment into themes such as “Beach Party Edition,” “Made in America,” “Wedding Gifts and Celebration Essentials,” “Hot Looks for Winter,”  ““Beauty Bargains,” “Hot Kitchen Gadgets,” “Holiday Under $10,” etc.
We need shop owners to please respond to us to be pitched to the producer ONLY IF YOU can:
1.     Have in inventory or can produce 1000+ pieces of product and ship direct to show viewers within 10 days of the show.
2.     Offer your product at a 50% discount.
If you fit the two above parameters, please email us immediately with the following information:
1.     Name of the product
2.     Description of the product (1 sentence)
3.     Photo of the product
4.     Price of product
5.     Your shop link
Deadline: Monday, November 4, 2013.
This is a massive opportunity and we are very excited about offering it to you!

They're not kidding!  This is indeed a massive opportunity!

If YOU'RE interested in being presented to the producers of Good Morning America (which is HUGE in itself!), and can fulfill the requirements, please email me ASAP with the info laid out above:

More news coming, and more LIVE events with special guests giving you tips on how to build YOUR small businesses in the near future.  If you've missed any of these LIVE shows, you can catch up on our YouTube channel (link below).

Thank you to everyone in The CraftStar community for making all these exciting things possible!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Bethan and The CraftStar Team

As you know, The CraftStar is VERY active in social media promoting you and your shops, so please make sure you're following us:

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