
Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Cameras Are LIVE! The CraftStar Update

Last night, The CraftStar did its very first LIVE SALES event and WOW ... what a reaction we've had!

We had a great time and our 4 LIVE SELLERS were amazing!  Thank you to Galleria di GianiDLC Glass Studio LLCCalliopes Attic and Steampunk Beadery for being bold and going where no small business has gone before.  I say that quite literally, as last night was the first time small businesses in our sector were given the opportunity to sell LIVE on camera.

I mentioned in my last email that I had been told Google are watching The CraftStar and how we're utilizing Google +, Hangouts and YouTube (all Google companies) ... and I got that confirmation last night after the show was finished.  I received some of the most exciting and encouraging emails I've ever had.  Here are a couple quotes from Google people:

**  Be very proud of yourselves you guys just did something really special here.
** Totally cool what you guys just did. Like, really really cool. Be very proud of this.

And my personal favorite from a man in a suit:

** holy cow. awesome.

The reaction has continued all through today, with emails from business people, investors, PR companies ... we REALLY did do something special last night and it's opening doors for The CraftStar and our sellers that I am thrilled about.  Last night put us on the map ... and that was just the start!

If you missed the show, you can watch it here:
We will be doing LIVE SALES every Wednesday leading up to the holidays (and if some of the people who have contacted me get their way, we'll be doing a whole lot more than that!), so if YOU'RE interested in going LIVE, please contact .  As any of our previous guests will tell you, it's a lot of fun, very easy, and nothing to be frightened or shy about!  AND, as you can see from the above, you're opening your shop doors to a HUGE amount of people.

Another great feature was added to The CraftStar this week, thank you to the fabulous team at Store Ya.  You can now add your CraftStar shop onto your Facebook page in one click - about 30 seconds!  They've created a special installer just for us ... which you can find when you click "See All Platforms" on their front page.  The CraftStar Store Ya shop looks great and is FREE!  Please go to: and get yours going!  Thank you VERY much to Eyal and his techs at Store Ya for creating this for us.

We are getting more and more involved on Google + and I really hope that you've started your Google + page for your CraftStar shop!  Using Google + is basically cutting out the middle man as far as SEO is concerned and is doing wonders for getting The CraftStar items on the front pages of Google searches.  We had a Google + pro as a guest on a LIVE show last week to break it all down for us, and he will be back on Sunday with Part 2!  If you're NOT on Google + yet - I STRONGLY advise you get it going!  Ben (the pro) will tell you why here:

To keep up to date with our LIVE shows, please keep your eye on the EVENTS calendar at the top of The CraftStar home page.

Thank you to everyone for making this CraftStar journey so exciting ... and it's only going to get even bigger and better!

All the best,

Bethan and The CraftStar Team

PS.  Don't forget to email Heather - let's get YOU on air for the world to see!

Here are links to our social media that you should be following:

Google +:  (make sure you have The CraftStar in your Circles)



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1 comment:

  1. Home
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    The Cameras Are LIVE! The CraftStar Update
    By Bethan Davies 7:19 PM Leave a Comment
    Last night, The CraftStar did its very first LIVE SALES event and WOW ... what a reaction we've had!

    We had a great time and our 4 LIVE SELLERS were amazing! Thank you to Galleria di Giani, DLC Glass Studio LLC, Calliopes Attic and Steampunk Beadery for being bold and going where no small business has gone before. I say that quite literally, as last night was the first time small businesses in our sector were given the opportunity to sell LIVE on camera.

    I mentioned in my last email that I had been told Google are watching The CraftStar and how we're utilizing Google +, Hangouts and YouTube (all Google companies) ... and I got that confirmation last night after the show was finished. I received some of the most exciting and encouraging emails I've ever had. Here are a couple quotes from Google people:

    ** Be very proud of yourselves you guys just did something really special here.
    ** Totally cool what you guys just did. Like, really really cool. Be very proud of this.

    And my personal favorite from a man in a suit:

    ** holy cow. awesome.

    The reaction has continued all through today, with emails from business people, investors, PR companies ... we REALLY did do something special last night and it's opening doors for The CraftStar and our sellers that I am thrilled about. Last night put us on the map ... and that was just the start!

    so cool if that is the real deal awesome and hollahs... I only saw less than 100 peeps viewing this new deal....but I must not be looking in the right place????? I support all hand made venues and happy to see such a surge that is talked about here!
