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What Cool Moms Want
About 4 years ago, I was a regular working woman in corporate America: working 40+ hours a week in a marketing department, having Starbucks lattes for breakfast, hitting the gym after work (sometimes) and crafting or doing whatever I wanted on the weekends. Then I had my first son and made the decision to be a stay at home mom. Talk about a change. Lack of sleep, craziness over a fussy eater and little alone time were big hurdles to conquer but it was worth it. Then boy #2 arrived about 2 years later and the cycle repeated. But once the youngest was a bit older, I got into a rhythm. And what did that mean? More me time!! I had more time to read, bake yummy things (not just things that my fussy eater would actually eat) and get back to my crafts.
In the past, I'd focused mainly on sewing and knitting. I really love knitting since it's really soothing when you get going and it keeps my hands busy while I catch up on adult TV. Then I started noticing all the cool mommy necklaces that my friends were wearing. I even bought one for my sister-in-law for Christmas with her dog's and cat's initials. I mean, I loved these necklaces but I couldn't find exactly what I wanted. So I thought, why not make one myself? Enter my new-found love for hand stamping! I initially fell in love with a beehive stamp and made several bee-themed charms. I thought the short, kinda quirky phrases suited my personality and definitely fit into my vision of what a Cool Mom would wear.
Oh, what's a Cool Mom? Glad you asked. She's me, she's my friends, she's any woman that has kids (and/or pets) and does her best to look somewhat presentable when she goes out regardless of how her day is going. Granted, she may have an unnoticed yogurt stain on her shirt or a sticker on her bum, but she looks pretty good and she has great accessories! My vision is to create these accessories that make any Cool Mom look and feel good when they have to rush to the grocery store with a screaming 2-year-old since somebody used the last bit of milk and replace it. Fun, fun for everyone!
I really hope that all Cool Moms get a break soon and have some free time to catch up with other Cool Moms. And what better place than at my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WhatCoolMomsWant . I love to engage other Cool Moms and get their opinions on a variety of things, from what they're doing to beat the summer heat to how are they cope with a fussy eater (yes, the fussy eater consumes a ton of energy). Hang in there, Cool Moms! I have a necklace for you that will help get you through the next tantrum and beyond.
I was a geology major in college and I have always been into rocks, fossils, gemstones, you name it! They just feel so alive in my hands and I love trying to imagine their history, what they've been through before they landed in my lap. My favorite stone for the past couple of years has been jasper. There are so many variations and they are all just so beautiful. The green in this jasper is such a great contrast to the shininess of the silver and the intricate detail on the petosky stones. The petosky stones are fossilized coral and is the state stone of Michigan (my home state) so I have a sentimental fondness for them.
This is the first necklace that I ever created. I love watching the bumblebees in my garden each summer and I was totally inspired by this beehive stamp. I toyed around with a couple of phrases and the phrase "Just Bee" has really stuck with me. Things can get pretty hectic with a 1- and a 3-year old, so this mantra reminds me to step back, just be in the moment and relax. There will be good days and bad days, but by "Just Bee"ing everything has a way of working out. Try it, you might like it!
I am obsessed with the ocean! It is one of the most relaxing places for me in the world and I love anything that reminds me of it. The little sea turtle has such great detail and looks so cute swimming on the chain while he goes along with you during your day. I added the pearl bead as another ocean accent and finished it with a hand-stamped initial pendant, because who doesn't like a little customization in their lives?
My CraftStar Community Collection: http://thecraftstar.com/collection/a-few-of-my-favorite-things.html
Great post. I think I will visit you again. Dita
Thanks for the kind words! Stop by the store anytime, I love company!
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